Theology From Below

NEW Software License

This New Software License applies to all software found on this site, and supersedes all previous copyright notices and licensing provisions which may appear in the software itself or in any documentation therefor.

All software which has previously been placed in the public domain remains in the public domain.

All other software, programs, experiments and reports, documentation, and any other material on this site (other than that attributed to outside sources) is hereby copyright © 2018 (or later if so marked) by M. David Johnson.

All software, documentation, and other information on this site is available for you to freely download without cost.

Whether you downloaded such items directly from this site, or you obtained them by any other means, you are hereby licensed to copy them, to sell or give away such copies, to use them, and to excerpt from them, in any way whatsoever, so long as nothing you do with them would denigrate the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I make absolutely no warranty whatsoever for any of these items. You use them entirely at your own risk.

If they don't work for you, I commiserate.

If they crash your system, I sympathize.

But I accept no responsibility whatsoever for any such consequences. Under no circumstances will BDS Software or M. David Johnson be liable for any negative results of any kind which you may experience from downloading or using these items.

BDS Software's former mail address at P.O. Box 485 in Glenview, IL is no longer valid. Any mail sent to that address will be rejected by the U.S. Postal Service. See my Contact page.

                                                                                                                                                                M.D.J. 2018/06/08