Obtener la versión española La Reina-Valera Antigua Nuevo Testamento (RVA).
Get the KJV/RVA Interlinear Version of John 1-11.
The King James Version ( KJV ) of the Bible was first published in 1611. Although some of its language is archaic, it's still an excellent translation. And, for our purposes here, it has the overwhelming advantage of being in the public domain. That means it's not copyrighted and you can make and distribute as many copies of it as you wish.
The KJV is available from many sources online as well as in print. What I've done here is to publish it in small segments of ten pages or less each. That way, you can, if you wish, make several copies of a given segment so each member of a Bible study can have their own copy.
These documents are in .pdf format. You'll need the free Adobe Reader to access them. If you don't already have it, you can get it at http://get.adobe.com/reader/ .
These .pdf documents also work in eReaders such as the Kindle and the Nook. To use them with an eReader, you need to first download them to your computer and then transfer them to your eReader via the USB port.