Theology From Below

King James Version

Obtener la versión española La Reina-Valera Antigua Nuevo Testamento (RVA).

Get the KJV/RVA Interlinear Version of John 1-11.

The King James Version ( KJV ) of the Bible was first published in 1611. Although some of its language is archaic, it's still an excellent translation. And, for our purposes here, it has the overwhelming advantage of being in the public domain. That means it's not copyrighted and you can make and distribute as many copies of it as you wish.

The KJV is available from many sources online as well as in print. What I've done here is to publish it in small segments of ten pages or less each. That way, you can, if you wish, make several copies of a given segment so each member of a Bible study can have their own copy.

These documents are in .pdf format. You'll need the free Adobe Reader to access them. If you don't already have it, you can get it at .

These .pdf documents also work in eReaders such as the Kindle and the Nook. To use them with an eReader, you need to first download them to your computer and then transfer them to your eReader via the USB port.

Genesis 1 - 7

Genesis 8 - 14

Genesis 15 - 20

Genesis 21 - 25

Genesis 26 - 29

Genesis 30 - 33

Genesis 34 - 38

Genesis 39 - 42

Genesis 43 - 46

Genesis 47 - 50

Exodus 1 - 6

Exodus 7 - 11

Exodus 12 - 15

Exodus 16 - 21

Exodus 22 - 26

Exodus 27 - 30

Exodus 31 - 35

Exodus 36 - 39

Exodus 40

Leviticus 1 - 6

Leviticus 7 - 11

Leviticus 12 - 14

Leviticus 15 - 19

Leviticus 20 - 24

Leviticus 25 - 27

Numbers 1 - 3

Numbers 4 - 6

Numbers 7 - 10

Numbers 11 - 14

Numbers 15 - 18

Numbers 19 - 22

Numbers 23 - 27

Numbers 28 - 31

Numbers 32 - 36

Deuteronomy 1 - 3

Deuteronomy 4 - 8

Deuteronomy 9 - 13

Deuteronomy 14 - 19

Deuteronomy 20 - 25

Deuteronomy 26 - 29

Deuteronomy 30 - 34

Joshua 1 - 6

Joshua 7 - 10

Joshua 11 - 16

Joshua 17 - 21

Joshua 22 - 24

Judges 1 - 5

Judges 6 - 8

Judges 9 - 12

Judges 13 - 18

Judges 19 - 21


I Samuel 1 - 6

I Samuel 7 - 12

I Samuel 13 - 16

I Samuel 17 - 19

I Samuel 20 - 24

I Samuel 25 - 29

I Samuel 30 - 31

II Samuel 1 - 5

II Samuel 6 - 11

II Samuel 12 - 14

II Samuel 15 - 18

II Samuel 19 - 22

II Samuel 23 - 24

I Kings 1 - 3

I Kings 4 - 7

I Kings 8 - 10

I Kings 11 - 14

I Kings 15 - 18

I Kings 19 - 21

I Kings 22

II Kings 1 - 4

II Kings 5 - 8

II Kings 9 - 12

II Kings 13 - 16

II Kings 17 - 20

II Kings 21 - 24

II Kings 25

I Chronicles 1 - 5

I Chronicles 6 - 9

I Chronicles 10 - 15

I Chronicles 16 - 21

I Chronicles 22 - 27

I Chronicles 28 - 29

II Chronicles 1 - 6

II Chronicles 7 - 12

II Chronicles 13 - 19

II Chronicles 20 - 24

II Chronicles 25 - 29

II Chronicles 30 - 33

II Chronicles 34 - 36

Ezra 1 - 6

Ezra 7 - 10

Nehemiah 1 - 6

Nehemiah 7 - 10

Nehemiah 11 - 13

Esther 1 - 7

Esther 8 - 10

Job 1 - 9

Job 10 - 18

Job 19 - 28

Job 29 - 36

Job 37 - 42

Psalms 1 - 17

Psalms 18 - 29

Psalms 30 - 39

Psalms 40 - 51

Psalms 52 - 67

Psalms 68 - 76

Psalms 77 - 87

Psalms 88 - 101

Psalms 102 - 108

Psalms 109 - 118

Psalms 119 - 129

Psalms 130 - 146

Psalms 147 - 150

Proverbs 1 - 8

Proverbs 9 - 16

Proverbs 17 - 23

Proverbs 24 - 31

Ecclesiastes 1 - 8

Ecclesiastes 9 - 12

Song of Solomon

Isaiah 1 - 7

Isaiah 8 - 15

Isaiah 16 - 24

Isaiah 25 - 30

Isaiah 31 - 37

Isaiah 38 - 43

Isaiah 44 - 49

Isaiah 50 - 58

Isaiah 59 - 66

Jeremiah 1 - 5

Jeremiah 6 - 10

Jeremiah 11 - 16

Jeremiah 17 - 22

Jeremiah 23 - 26

Jeremiah 27 - 31

Jeremiah 32 - 35

Jeremiah 36 - 40

Jeremiah 41 - 47

Jeremiah 48 - 50

Jeremiah 51 - 52


Ezekiel 1 - 7

Ezekiel 8 - 13

Ezekiel 14 - 17

Ezekiel 18 - 21

Ezekiel 22 - 26

Ezekiel 27 - 31

Ezekiel 32 - 35

Ezekiel 36 - 39

Ezekiel 40 - 43

Ezekiel 44 - 47

Ezekiel 48

Daniel 1 - 4

Daniel 5 - 8

Daniel 9 - 12

Hosea 1 - 11

Hosea 12 - 14










Zechariah 1 - 10

Zechariah 11 - 14


Matthew 1 - 6

Matthew 7 - 11

Matthew 12 - 14

Matthew 15 - 19

Matthew 20 - 23

Matthew 24 - 26

Matthew 27 - 28

Mark 1 - 5

Mark 6 - 9

Mark 10 - 13

Mark 14 - 16

Luke 1 - 3

Luke 4 - 6

Luke 7 - 9

Luke 10 - 12

Luke 13 - 17

Luke 18 - 21

Luke 22 - 24

John 1 - 4

John 5 - 7

John 8 - 11

John 12 - 16

John 17 - 21

Acts 1 - 5

Acts 6 - 9

Acts 10 - 13

Acts 14 - 18

Acts 19 - 22

Acts 23 - 27

Acts 28

Romans 1 - 7

Romans 8 - 14

Romans 15 - 16

I Corinthians 1 - 8

I Corinthians 9 - 14

I Corinthians 15 - 16

II Corinthians 1 - 9

II Corinthians 10 - 13





I Thessalonians

II Thessalonians

I Timothy

II Timothy



Hebrews 1 - 9

Hebrews 10 - 13


I Peter

II Peter

I John

II John

III John


Revelation 1 - 8

Revelation 9 - 16

Revelation 17 - 22